Evo311™ Escalation Feature Launching

This week we are launching a new escalation system for Evo311™ ticket types.
Here is a preview of what that looks like:

This new ticket escalation will enable you to message your staff with custom messages when tickets hit a certain ageing day, based on when the ticket was created or when the last activity happened. This can also change the status and priority automatically per escalation level. The escalation actions will run at midnight each night.

A couple of weeks ago we launched the new 311 management interface for your staff. You can now see this and use it at www.yourdomain.gov/311/admin. Logging into that URL will bypass the CMS entirely, and give you new reporting tools for 311. That is the interface employees should use when creating/managing tickets.

Once the escalation features launch this week, we will post an updated manual and training video

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